
  • Hairy Rosy

    In the annals of botanical history, there lies a plant that embodies both beauty and whimsy, a delightful herbaceous creature known as Chaerophyllum hirsutum ‘Roseum.’ This particular variety of the species Chaerophyllum hirsutum, commonly known as hairy chervil, has an enchanting allure that has captivated botanists and garden enthusiasts alike for centuries The tale of…

    Hairy Rosy
  • Life lessons with chrysanthemums

    Grasshopper: Master Po, I have brought these chrysanthemums to offer as a gift. They are a symbol of autumn and their beauty fills me with wonder. Master Po: Ah, Grasshopper, you have chosen well. These flowers are a favorite among poets and artists for their gentle grace. But did you know that chrysanthemums have a…

    Life lessons with chrysanthemums
  • Tulip Wars

    It was the early 17th century, and the Dutch Republic was at the height of its economic power. The country’s merchants and traders had amassed great wealth through international trade, and their appetite for luxury goods knew no bounds. One of the most coveted of these goods was the tulip, a flower that had recently…

    Tulip Wars
  • Primrose Perfection

    Primula vulgaris, also known as the Common Primrose, is a charming and delicate plant that has captured the hearts and imaginations of people for centuries. From mythology and folklore to medicinal and biological uses, this flower is a true wonder of nature. Let’s dive in and explore the fascinating world of Primula vulgaris. Let’s start…

    Primrose Perfection
  • Snowdrop’s Arrival

    Once again, it’s that time of year when the first traces of spring begin to appear and everyone begins to feel a little bit more optimistic about the future. The first snowdrop of the season is one of the most exciting signals of spring in my opinion. This morning, as I went for my routine…

    Snowdrop’s Arrival
  • Periwinkle Blue

    In days of old, in lands of yore, where rolling hills and forests flourished, there lived a maid named Lily fair. With visage bright and heart so rare, she lived in a cottage by the village square. One morn, whilst wandering through the woods so wild, she chanced upon a mead of periwinkle, blue as…

    Periwinkle Blue
  • Pick Me, Pick Me!

    Daisy (Bellis perennis) is a well-known and widely distributed herbaceous perennial plant in the family Asteraceae. While thousands of daisies can often be found growing in fields and meadows, one particularly unique individual may feel overlooked and unimportant among the vast number of its peers. This particular daisy may long to be picked by a…

    Pick Me, Pick Me!
  • Dog Rose Lore

    Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a young woman named Rose. She was heartbroken after her true love, Jack, had disappeared without trace. Jack was a young man who was known for his kind heart and adventurous spirit, he loved to explore the forest and was always fascinated by the Dog…

    Dog Rose Lore
  • The Water Lily in Myth and Legend

    Water lilies have been a part of many cultures’ folklore and mythology for centuries. In ancient Egyptian mythology, the water lily was associated with the goddess Nefertem, who was known as the “lotus flower of the sun”. It was believed that the water lily was the first flower to emerge from the primordial waters of…

    The Water Lily in Myth and Legend
  • Ikebana

    Ikebana is the Japanese art of flower arrangement that has been around for centuries. It is an aesthetic expression of nature and the seasons, and involves the arrangement of flowers, branches, stems, leaves, and other materials. There are many different styles of Ikebana, and each can be used to create unique and beautiful works of…

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